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Look for the IBEW 48 Super Crew at the Starlight Parade


Always a fun time with a great group of Brothers and Sisters at the Starlight Parade. We show our union spirit to over 100K people in attendance plus the televised audience. It is an amazing day to be a part of this super group. Yes, super, as in Superheroes seen above. This year we have had about 100 plus members sign up to participate in either the Starlight or Grand Floral Parade.

We will be participating in the Starlight Parade on June 4th and the Grand Floral Parade on June 11th 

The Starlight Parade will consist of a float with a live band & lighting, Team of Superheroes, Rosie Team Participants, and Members Dressed in Blue Jeans with IBEW Local 48 Shirts. 

The Grand Floral Parade will be every member dressed as Rosie the Riveter performing a fun dance routine!

Check out our Facebook Pages for images and videos from previous years’ fun.


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