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NW Youth Career Expo Shows Students Many Career Choices


About a month ago we exhibited at the NW Youth Career Expo in February to answer questions about the electrical trades as a career. Thank you to the Portland Workforce Alliance (PWA) for the hardwork of putting on such a large and important event. The event "features top employers and draws students from Oregon and SW Washington. About 6,500 students from 75+ high schools attended the most recent in-person Expo, and our 195+ exhibitors included colleges, apprenticeship training centers and the region’s leading employers who offer mock interviews, demos and support." according to the PWA.

Our IBEW 48 representative Kennitha Washington had this to add: 

The career day happens each year. A wide range of industries are invited to present and kids from almost all schools in the area are invited. Students have the freedom to approach any booth they want and to ask questions. I loved being able to demonstrate a hands on activity that is directly related to our field and share with them our what opportunities exist. Many of them have not been exposed to the trades yet in life.
I liked the kids who had an idea that they want to work construction and were looking for opportunities that would be fun. They realized how hands on our industry is and became excited to learn more. I also liked being able to show females that this career path exists for them! (Sisters in Solidarity is a great resource at IBEW 48)
A typical question was “what is the hardest part about my job?” I tell them, the hardest part of my job is juggling so many different personalities on the jobsite and at the hall. Learning to deal with different personalities is a must for success in this industry. 
Thank you for the perspective Kennitha! If you are a student you can learn more at: The NECA IBEW ELECTRICAL TRAINING CENTER Website
And finally check out the video below to learn more about the career event:



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