Notification Block

Local 48 Business Office & Dispatch Closed For The Rest of February 13th Due to Weather Conditions. Tonight's Committee and Unit Meetings Are Cancelled.

Member Resource Manual

This book could just as easily be called a Reference Guide, User Manual, Need to Know, or Introduction to Being a Member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 48.

The title is less important than the information contained in these pages. 

The goal of this document is multi-faceted. It is to:

  • Provide information to assist you in making the most of the benefits negotiated by IBEW Local 48 on your behalf.
  • Serve as an Emergency Guide for your family in the event of a serious accident, injury, or other situation where you may not be able to provide information on "what to do,” or “who to contact."

Please take the time to read, fill in your personal emergency information, and familiarize your loved ones with the information and the location where this information is available.

Thank you again for your time.


Garth Bachman

Business Manager
Financial Secretary


Q:  Where do I start?

A:  Start Here!

IBEW Local Union 48 has a geographical jurisdiction which covers 10 counties in Oregon and 5 counties in Washington.  We represent over 4,000 members that are working under more than 20 Collective Bargaining Agreements.

The most efficient way to disseminate information covering that large of a group in all of the varying circumstances will take multiple steps.

The Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) you are working under will determine which benefits apply to you.  For example, a journeyman wireman (JW) working under the Inside Construction Agreement has different benefits than a JW working under the Sound and Communications Agreement.  Within many CBAs are different classifications or levels of wages and benefits depending on the type of dispatch requested and filled, the level of apprenticeship or experience attained, and other variable factors.

For simplicity, we sorted this manual by the CBA you are working under.  Those CBAs may have different pay scales and benefit levels based on the type of Dispatch (manpower request by the employer) or classification you are working under.

Do not be overwhelmed by all of the information; concentrate first on what affects you directly based on the CBA you are working under.  Your presenter, business representative, job or shop steward can help you through some of the things that are easy to learn and understand.

Please read the acronyms and definitions page before you begin looking at other information.  Then you can start reading the Overview and Summary Plan Description (SPD) for those benefits.

Some may find it helpful to complete the Important Records Planner while going through each section.  The Planner is the key for your loved ones finding needed information quickly in the event of accident, serious illness or death.

Information that affects every member: Union DuesDeath Benefits, Jury Duty, IBEW 48 Sick Fund and support for community charitable organizations, youth sports, safety boot program and many other similar benefits.  These benefits are best explained by your Business Representative, shop or jobsite Steward, and are touched on briefly on the benefits overview page.

Finally we get to where it will start to make sense, the Collective Bargaining Agreements list.  From there, follow the links through.  


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