Notification Block

Local 48 Office Closed Afternoon of Friday, December 6th for Holiday Banquet Prep

Place New Electrical Job Orders Online

Place New Electrical Jobs Online

Employers that have pre-registered to utilize the On-line Dispatch program are welcomed to begin creating new job orders for the following contracts: Inside/Commercial Electrician, Sound & Communication Electrician, Residential and Material/Handler Electricians.  The site has a Help page to become familiar with how to create new electrical job orders. An e-mail link is also located at the Help page for questions or feedback. 

Signatory employers not registered that wish to utilize this program may transmit registration information to IBEW Local 48 including the name, title, phone number and email address of intended user. Confirmation e-mails will be returned acknowledging user setup.

Please send your new user requests to our Dispatcher at

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