Welcoming New Electrical Contractors and Self-Employed Electricians to Join NECA

Joining NECA Can Be Transformative
Advantages for Contractors
On-demand drug-free workforce
Team of professionals fighting to get you on new jobs
Relationships with large commercial, educational, and institutional clients
Representation on key legislative issues impacting the electrical industry
Cutting-edge technology updates: BIM, lean construction, prefabrication, and more
Continuing education and up-to-date certifications for workers
Professional peer network
Our working relationship with the National Electrical Contractor’s Association, Oregon-Columbia Chapter, has been built on a foundation of mutual respect between some of the largest and most profitable employers in our jurisdiction and a skilled, experienced and diverse talent labor pool.
Our contracts are partnerships that have been developed to bring security and stability to the entire industry which helps workers and contractors thrive. Please take a moment to read on about some of the benefits you will have as an electrical contractor signatory to an IBEW agreement. Review our list of active signatory electrical contractors.
Benefits of Becoming an IBEW Signatory Electrical Contractor
Assistance, both financial and informational, to expand your market.
Our members believe in our contractors and we invest in their success. The staff at IBEW Local 48 is knowledgeable and helpful and we appreciate any opportunity to help an electrical contractor succeed. We will make the commitment and invest in your business when the opportunity to benefit the entire industry presents itself. Local 48 will go to any legal length to ensure that state and federal laws are followed and that responsible business strategies prevail.
A flexible, well-trained, professional electrical work-force available overnight.
As electrical workers, it is crucial that we are able to meet the needs of the industry while ensuring our own safety and professionalism. Our contracts are structured with the understanding that some electricians and techs may experience unemployment, we are able to maintain a referral list of qualified workers for you to call up with relatively little notice. Our dispatch system is set up so that you get exactly who you need, when you need them. You can grow or contract your labor force on your terms.
The contracts we negotiate encourage responsibility and individual accountability.
As a business owner, you understand planning and pre-emption are the most powerful skills that you use to move your business forward. The same is true for your employees. The benefits we negotiate provide hedges against sudden, unforeseen circumstances. Full-family healthcare, livable retirement, unemployment wage replacement, state-of-the-art training facilities, market development initiatives, and a joint trust dedicated to promoting our industry are just some of the planning tools our negotiated wage packages provide. That type of security helps the contractors and members alike.
A diverse electrical workforce that represents our community.
We are proud to represent a diverse electrical workforce. By becoming a signatory electrical contractor with IBEW Local 48, you instantly have access to that workforce. Many public and some private electrical contracts require a diverse workforce that represent the communities we live and work in.
Tracking, reporting, and administering benefits is no longer your problem.
The work required to track, report, and pay benefits is reduced to a simple program that you enter hours into, then write a check once a month. NECA then pays the appropriate benefit providers and your employees receive their benefits. Our benefits programs are intended to provide actual benefit to the employees, not tie them up in a world of red tape. We administer these benefits efficiently and fairly. When benefit questions come up, your employees will have a resource to help answer their questions and empower them to get the information they need.
Electrical Contractor Resources
- NECA Membership FAQ Sheet
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Information
- Davis-Bacon and Davis-Bacon Related Acts (DBRA) Information
- Frequently Requested Department of Labor Forms
- Federal Wage Determinations Online Program
A NECA Trained Workforce To Drive Your Business
Small Contractors Can Expand With The SEED Program Helping Your Small Business Grow
Becoming signatory with Local 48 gives you access to the most highly trained and highly skilled electrical workforce in the region. Using this workforce will allow your business to increase services and expand into different sectors of the industry.
The IBEW proudly helps small contractors succeed through the IBEW SEED Program. This initiative was designed to support independent, small electrical contractors by offering reduced rates on specialized fringe benefits offered to employees.
Becoming signatory with Local 48 gives you access to the most highly trained and highly skilled electrical workforce in the region. Using this workforce will allow your business to increase services and expand into different sectors of the industry.
Mid-Size Contractors Can Reach Their Full Potential
Grow Your Company Electrical contractors can secure more work by becoming an IBEW Local 48 signatory contractor. Besides access to the Local 48 workforce, becoming signatory allows your existing employees to join the union as journeymen or enter as an apprentice with the ability to receive the training needed to reach journeyman status.
Take Your Business To The Next Level
Large electrical construction contractors can grow by joining forces with IBEW Local 48. Become a contractor signatory to Local 48 and discover the many benefits you and your employees will receive.
Becoming an Electrical Contractor
Registering your Business:
Secretary of State:
(503) 986-2200
C.C.B. (Construction Contractors Board)
(503) 378-4621
B.C.D. (Building Codes Division)
(503) 378-4133
Secretary of State
(360) 902-4151
Labor and Industries
Register as a contractor
Current Electrician Wage Rates:
Electrician Wage Information Page
IBEW 48 Directory of Contractors:
View the Directory of Signatory Electrical Contractors